Order Procedure

Step 1. Pick and Choose

Come up with a unique domain name for your project, preferably before any official registration to avoid conflict. Browse our plans and select one suited to your needs.

Step 2. Request an Order

Fill out our form below to request an order for us to validate your information. For registered organizations and domains with regional extensions (.ca etc.), please provide these information: legal entity name, corresponding residence status and full address.

Step 3. Place the Order

Once we validate your request, we will create your order and provide you with a link to complete the order placement. If any changes need to be made, let us know and we will accommodate accordingly.

Step 4. Wait for Fulfillment

Once we receive your order, we will procure and configure the services as requested. This can take a few minutes to several hours, which is why we offer our 24-hour fulfillment guarantee, otherwise qualifying you for a full refund as covered under the order agreement.

Step 5. Et Voilà!

Within a few hours of the order placement, you should be notified that your order has been fulfilled along with a package containing information for you to manage and start using your services. Enjoy!